Andrew Bird, Fourth Presbyterian Church, 12/17
Nora O’Connor joined Andrew Bird on stage for a handful of songs, including a acoustic cover of the Handsome Family’s “Don’t Be Scared”, which literally gave me chills. Some great stuff has been going on at these Gezellegheid shows, and I can only hope that they do in fact become an annual tradition.
Andrew Bird, Fourth Presbyterian Church, 12/16
I don’t know what went on between Wednesday night and Thursday, but something magical happened, because this show was amazing. Andrew Bird came out strong with a newer song, “Hole in the Ocean Floor”, setting a high bar for the rest of the night. Not even flubbed loops or a handful of technical difficulties could […]
Andrew Bird, Fourth Presbyterian Church, 12/15
With these shows, all bets are off, as Bird frees himself to try out new songs, or to introduce us to older ones which are continuously evolving.
Guest Post: Seven Albums That Came Out in 2010 That Mike Listened To and Enjoyed the Most
Hey, it’s Mike again, you know the friend of Sarah’s from way back who occaisionally fulfills her need for a list of albums because she spends 90,000 hours agonizing over her own. (Do I really like this Andrew Bird album more than this other Andew Bird album?) Ha. I keed. So I did this thing last year, and since I mentioned Paper Route, and Gavin (Paper Route’s drummer) tweeted a link to the site, I gave Sarah a bunch of traffic, so she owes me, and that’s why you get the:
This Week in Great Music: 12/13 – 12/19
Happy Andrew Bird week! It’s pretty obvious to even the casual observer where I’ll be Wednesday through Friday. Sorry, warm, cozy apartment, I’ve got three dates with Mr. Bird.
Album Review: Bob Dylan, “Christmas In The Heart”
By Mel on December 14, 2010
Pretend you’re Bob Dylan and it’s 2009. You’ve been doing your thing for somewhere in the neighborhood of fifty years. You get nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature for your lyrics. Somebody made a lightly fictionalized movie about you where you’re split into six different characters, because that’s how many distinct personas people think […]
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