By Sarah on March 12, 2012
Oh, hey, now it’s SXSW-time, where most bands abscond to Austin to play about 467 shows a day. Â Don’t worry, there are still plenty of things to keep you occupied up here. I’ll be checking out that singer-songwriter-type lineup at Beat Kitchen on Wednesday, and then absconding south myself, Â to go have Deep Thoughts about […]
Posted in Upcoming Events | Tagged beat kitchen, born gold, bryn rich, charming people, daniel ellsworth & the great lakes, derek nelson & the musicians, don stiernberg, empty bottle, fiona apple, frontier ruckus, grimes, headless troubador, hideout, hoots & hellmouth, j.b. little, johnny young, julie meckler, lincoln hall, loose teeth, martyrs', michele mcguire, robbie fulks, ryley walker, scony mack, subterranean, the bears of blue river, ultrademon, xenia rubinos