Guest Post: Seven Albums That Came Out in 2012 That Mike Listened To and Enjoyed the Most
[ Every year, my friend Mike, of Land of Absurdity, contributes his list of favorite albums.  It almost makes up for the fact that I never bother to put these sorts of lists together anymore. Such is life. -S ] Well, the Mayan Apocalypse is upon us, and you would think people would be in a […]
North Coast Music Festival: Day 3 Recap
The last day of The North Coast Music Festival is over, and I survived three days of naked glittering torsos, Camelbak packs as far as the eye could see, furry knee-high boots, neon tutus and stumbling, semi-coherent concert goers. Would I do again? Hell yes. Paper Diamond was the first act I caught. His music […]
This Week in Great Music: 9/20 – 9/26
I am super excited about Chris Pureka’s show at SPACE on Wednesday. How I Learned to See in the Dark is one of my favorite albums of 2010 so far, and I’m sure the live show will be great.