Wow, That's A Good Song: Craig Ferguson's Lost Doctor Who Intro

It's New Year's Eve, and tonight the wind chill in Denver is expected to hit twenty below. Considering I'm still trying to convince my bronchial tubes they love me after running around ill in DC to see Andrew Bird at the beginning of the month, and considering I've just spent the last week and a bit running around doing family holiday things, it seems like a good evening to stay inside and catch up on very important things -- including this year's Doctor Who Christmas special.Which reminded me I'd meant to post this musical introduction to Doctor Who back when I first saw it, but never got around to it. It's simple, it's catchy, it's silly, there are puppets -- and it's A+ accurate and wonderful, and a good way to say goodbye to 2010. Take it away, Craig Ferguson and friends:One thing is consistent, though,And this is why the showIs so beloved by geeks and nerds:It's all about the triumphof Intellect and RomanceOver brute force and cynicismAnd if there's any hope for any of usIn this giant explosion in which we inhabit,It is surely that:The triumph of Intellect and RomanceOver brute force and cynicism.Stay safe tonight, use a DD if you're headed out, and have fun. (And if you're headed out somewhere cold, consider a Tom Baker scarf like that gentleman with the beehive in the back.) See y'all next year!


Favorite Tracks of 2010


Wow, That's a Good Song: Pig With the Face of a Boy, "A Complete History of the Soviet Union As Told By A Humble Worker, Arranged To The Melody Of Tetris"