This Week in Great Music: 5/2 - 5/8

Monday, May 2Robbie Fulks, Don Stiernberg; Hideout. 7 pm, $10 suggested donationJohn Vanderslice, Damien Jurado; Schubas. 8 pm, $15Tuesday, May 3Tame Impala, Yuck, Yawn; Lincoln Hall. 9 pm, sold outBarehand Jugband, The Hoyle Brothers, The Shams Band; Double Door. 9 pm, $5Wednesday, May 4Manchester Orchestra, An Horse, Harrison Hudson; Metro. 6:45 pm, $17-20Chris Pureka, Holcombe Waller; SPACE. 8 pm, $12-22Bobby Bare Jr., Carey Kotsionis; Schubas. 9 pm, $14Tame Impala, Yuck, Yawn; Lincoln Hall. 9 pm, sold outThursday, May 5Ted Leo; Schubas. 9 pm, sold outFriday, May 6Neil Young; The Chicago Theatre. 8 pm, $43-253The Felice Brothers, Shovels and Rope; Lincoln Hall. 10 pm, $16-18Saturday, May 7Peter Bjorn and John; Lincoln Hall. 7 pm and 10:30 pm, $20-25 (7 pm sold out)Neil Young; The Chicago Theatre. 8 pm, $43-253Cory Chisel and the Wandering Boys, Henry Wolfe, The Future Laureates, A Band Called Catch; Double Door. 8:30 pm, $10-12David Vandervelde, The High Strung; Schubas. 10 pm, $10Sunday, May 8Meh


Wow, That's A Good Song: Lady Gaga Fugue


Wow, That's a Good Song: Gaberdine, "1918"