This Week in Great Music: 9/13 - 9/19
Sometimes, I feel like I'm the only person on the internet who doesn't care about Pavement.
This Week in Great Music: 8/9 - 8/15
After three days of Lollapalooza, I kind of don't want to think about music right now. Fortunately for those of us who are sort of burnt out at the moment, there's not a lot going on. I'll be at the Rufus Wainwright show on Friday. I'm not in love with his new album, but as a Rufus (and Martha) fangirl, I'll go to the concert all the same. Maybe I will love the new songs more, seeing them live.
This Week in Great Music: 5/24 - 5/30
This week might as well be known as the Week of Great Shows that I Can't Go to Because I Have to Prepare for People to Come Install New Carpet. Home ownership is not always worth it, let me tell you.