This Week in Great Music: 10/18 - 10/24
Lots of stuff during the week to check out; not so much over the weekend. I'll be checking out Carolina Chocolate Drops on Friday. As always, the below is just a list of shows that tickle my fancy. Your mileage, or taste in music, may vary.
This Week in Great Music: 5/24 - 5/30
This week might as well be known as the Week of Great Shows that I Can't Go to Because I Have to Prepare for People to Come Install New Carpet. Home ownership is not always worth it, let me tell you.
This Week in Great Music: 4/26 - 5/2
I can safely say that there's a show every night this week that I want to be at. I'm not going to make any predictions of where I'll actually show up, though, because that's just asking for me to spend all week sitting at the computer and playing Plants vs. Zombies.