This Week in Great Music: 1/3 - 1/9
Looks like the music scene is still recovering from NYE celebrations, too.I'll be seeing Charlotte Martin on Sunday. I missed her the last time she was in town, so I'm glad to be able to finally see her live.
This Week in Great Music: 10/18 - 10/24
Lots of stuff during the week to check out; not so much over the weekend. I'll be checking out Carolina Chocolate Drops on Friday. As always, the below is just a list of shows that tickle my fancy. Your mileage, or taste in music, may vary.
This Week in Great Music: 5/24 - 5/30
This week might as well be known as the Week of Great Shows that I Can't Go to Because I Have to Prepare for People to Come Install New Carpet. Home ownership is not always worth it, let me tell you.