May in Review
May was a month for revisiting old favorites. Not too many new discoveries this month, but a lot of good songs got played around here nonetheless.
Wow, That's a Good Song: The Low Anthem, "Charlie Darwin"
The Low Anthem's album Oh My God, Charlie Darwin, came out in 2009 (2008, if you count the album's self-release), but I've only recently discovered it, and now I'm wondering how I managed to miss out on this album for almost a year. This is "Charlie Darwin", the track which kicks off the whole album, which is sad and gorgeous and haunting.
April in Review
I almost titled this May in Review, that's how behind and confused I am. I actually started the mix at the end of the month, and then, well, life happened.But anyhow. Here, have a little mix of songs I've been loving or rediscovering this past month.
This Week in Great Music: 3/1 - 3/7
March is getting off to a bit of a slow start. I think the month of March knows that I will be spending most of April skulking about in various venues for an absurd number of shows. March is telling me that I need to get my sleep, I think.