News & Links News & Links

How's My Living's Newest Addition!

I've been at this blogging thing for a little over a year now, and recently, I started asking around for a little bit of help. I'm only one girl, after all, and I want to be able to provide more news, more opinions, more facts and reviews and general overall awesomeness.

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This Week in Great Music: 8/9 - 8/15

After three days of Lollapalooza, I kind of don't want to think about music right now. Fortunately for those of us who are sort of burnt out at the moment, there's not a lot going on. I'll be at the Rufus Wainwright show on Friday. I'm not in love with his new album, but as a Rufus (and Martha) fangirl, I'll go to the concert all the same. Maybe I will love the new songs more, seeing them live.

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Scheduling for Lollapalooza is so hard.

I am having a love/hate relationship with this year's Lollapalooza schedule. It's not like last year, where I was able to fill every inch of my day with bands. But maybe that's a good thing -- more time for aimlessly wandering from stage to stage, more opportunities to discover something new. Here's where you're most likely to find me this year:

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