Scheduling for Lollapalooza is so hard.

I am having a love/hate relationship with this year's Lollapalooza schedule.  It's not like last year, where I was able to fill every inch of my day with bands.  But maybe that's a good thing -- more time for aimlessly wandering from stage to stage, more opportunities to discover something new. 

Here's where you're most likely to find me this year:

FridayB.o.B, 11:30-12:15, adidas MEGA stage.  Not gonna lie, I really like that song "Airplanes".Los Amigos Invisibles, Playstation stage, or The Walkmen, adidas MEGA stage, 1:00-2:00.  I'm torn on this one.  I'm dragging my husband with me to Lolla this year, and he, like Los Amigos Invisibles, is Venezuelan, so we kind of want to see them.  But boy, would I like to see the Walkmen.Mavis Staples, 2:00-3:00, Budweiser stage.  She's a legend, and her new album is full of fellow Chicagoans like Jeff Tweedy, Kelly Hogan, and Nora O'Connor. Drive-By Truckers, 3:00-4:00, Playstation stage.  I missed them earlier this year because of my dislike of the Vic.  Not going to miss out on them this time.The New Pornographers, 4:00-5:00, Budweiser stage.  Last time I saw them, Neko Case had just dropped out of the tour because she broke her foot.  TNP with Neko >>>> TNP without Neko.Lady Gaga, 8:00-10:00, Parkways stage.  Shut up, I am totally excited to see Gaga.  Don't you judge me.

SaturdayWho's got two thumbs and might be sleeping in on Saturday?  This girl.  I'm going to spend some time over the next couple of days getting to know the morning acts to see if there's anything that really interests me.  Otherwise, I may just be wandering aimlessly until the afternoon.  And then, of course, from the afternoon on, my day turns into a mess of needing to clone myself to see everything I want to see.Blues Traveler, 1:45-2:45, Parkways stage.  I love me some harmonica.Stars, 2:15-3:15, Budweiser stage.Dan Black, 3:00-3;45, BMI stage.Gogol Bordello, 3:45-4:45, Parkways stage.  I didn't make it to their show at the Congress earlier this year.  I will not be thwarted this time.Deer Tick, 5:00-6:00, Sony bloggie stage.Metric, 5:15-6:15, Playstation stage.Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros, 6:30-7:30, Sony bloggie stage.Green Day, 7:45-10:00, Parkways stage.Phoenix, 8:30-10:00, Budweiser stage.  The good thing about the headliners not starting at the same time is that I'll be able to see a little bit of Green Day's set before wandering back to Phoenix.

SundayThe Antlers, 12:15-1:00, Budweiser stage, or Nneka, Parkways stage.  I'm so torn!  I love both of them, I've seen them both live before, so I've got no idea where to go.Blitzen Trapper, 2:00-3:00, Budweiser stage.Mumford & Sons, 3:00-4:00, Playstation stage.  After Lady Gaga, they may just be the band I'm most excited to see, even though I just saw them a few months ago.  I love these guys.  I'm just sad they're not going to hang out at the autograph tent, although this may be for the best, because I may have a hard time containing my excitement otherwise.  (I did manage to have the self control to not pounce Andrew Bird last year, but my restraint is not infinite.)Erykah Badu, 5:00-6:00, adidas MEGA stage.  Let's see what kind of crazy shit she comes up with.The National, 7:15-8:30, Playstation stage.  To be honest, I've never really loved their live music, from the bootlegs I've heard.  Maybe this will change my mind.Arcade Fire, 8:30-10:00, Budweiser stage.  I'm also not a huge Arcade Fire fan, but I'm really not interested in seeing Soundgarden, so indie-hipster-whatever central it is.


July in Review


This Week in Great Music: 8/2 - 8/8