Guest Post: Seven Albums That Came Out in 2010 That Mike Listened To and Enjoyed the Most
Hey, it's Mike again, you know the friend of Sarah's from way back who occaisionally fulfills her need for a list of albums because she spends 90,000 hours agonizing over her own. (Do I really like this Andrew Bird album more than this other Andew Bird album?) Ha. I keed. So I did this thing last year, and since I mentioned Paper Route, and Gavin (Paper Route's drummer) tweeted a link to the site, I gave Sarah a bunch of traffic, so she owes me, and that's why you get the:
Seven Albums That Came Out in 2010 That Mike Listened To and Enjoyed the Most
Devo - Something For EverybodyDevo's first foray into the world of music since Smooth Noodle Maps was met with much ado (mostly by the band itself who used focus groups and a lot of fake promotional material to choose everything from what songs appeared on the album, what order they were in, what type of outfits Devo would don, and of course what color the new Energy Domes would be). Hoopla aside, this is actually a really awesome album. What We Do and Don't Shoot (I'm a Man) are worth the price of admission alone.
Something For Everybody was released June 15.Devo: Official Website | MySpace | Facebook | Twitter | Store
Chromeo - Business CasualThis is my pick for album of the year. Nobody is able to mix 80s beats, Roger Troutman Voicebox, and fun better than chromeo, and this album is nothing short of spectacular. I don't think its possible to not like this album. From start to Huey Lewis finish, this album is nonstop fun.
Business Casual was released September 13.Chromeo: Official Website | MySpace | Facebook | Twitter | Store
Gogol Bordello - Trans-continental HustleGogol Bordello's music is absolutely nuts, and their latest album continues the trend. With all this punk-polka it leaves me to wonder if there are any Mariachi Punk bands out there. That would be truely amazing, but I digress. [See Mariachi el Bronx. -S]
Trans-continental Hustle was released April 27.Gogol Bordello: Official Website | MySpace | Facebook | Twitter | Store
The Soft Pack - The Soft PackIt's been a while since I've heard such awesome surf music. Plus these guys use organ. That alone puts these guys up there with Man or Astroman? as surf punk greats.
The Soft Pack was released February 2.The Soft Pack: Official Website | MySpace | Facebook | Twitter
Frank Turner - Sleep is for the WeekI really like this album, but it's just songs about being hungover, so thats probably why. This guy is either the English equivalent of me, or he just reads my mind, and makes songs that I like.
[ Sleep is for the Week was released in 2007, apparently, but I'll let it slide. Â This time. -S]Frank Turner: Official Website | MySpace | Facebook | Twitter | Store
Balkan Beat Box - Blue Eyed Black BoyRarely do you get a mix of ska, dub, rap and disco, and even more rarely is it any good. Balkan Beat Box manages to pull it off, though. This is great music to cruise around to in your convertable. Especially in suburban areas where there are few Israelis.
Blue Eyed Black Boy was released March 29.Balkan Beat Box: Official Website | MySpace | Facebook | Twitter | Store
The National - High VioletMy love of The National's music can only be compared to my hatred of their live show. High Violet is moody, emotional and beautiful.
High Violet was released May 11.The National: Official Website | MySpace | Facebook | Twitter | Store
Honorable MentionsButch Walker - I Liked It Better When You Had No Heart. Maybe it's just cause Butch is now 40 but this is his most mature album to date. That said, there aren't any real rockers on this album, so it falls short of my list.
Gorillaz - Plastic Beach. I didn't like this album as much as I liked Demon Days, but Stylo and Superfast Jellyfish are awesome.
Maroon 5 - Hands All Over. Maybe its because the first time I heard Misery I was in the middle of a break up and the person in question didn't answer any of my texts that day, or maybe it's just cause I have a secret love of Maroon 5.
And of course the Worst album of the year.This year it goes to Katy Perry for Teenage Dream. I am no snob to popular music, as many people I work with will tell you how disturbing it is for me to sing along to Kelly Clarkson and Miley Cyrus when it comes on over the muzak, but Teenage Dream is just beyond garbage.  It's not great dance music, its not great pop music, and there's a song about penis. Well, that's not bad in itself, but it makes it seem like its really hard for a girl like Katy Perry to see dong. Though maybe it was in regards to Elmo, who ran away from her the entire Sesame Street skit that was yanked due to cleavage issues.
[ While not compiling Best Of lists for me, Mike can be found at ]