Guest Post: Seven Albums That Came Out in 2010 That Mike Listened To and Enjoyed the Most
Hey, it's Mike again, you know the friend of Sarah's from way back who occaisionally fulfills her need for a list of albums because she spends 90,000 hours agonizing over her own. (Do I really like this Andrew Bird album more than this other Andew Bird album?) Ha. I keed. So I did this thing last year, and since I mentioned Paper Route, and Gavin (Paper Route's drummer) tweeted a link to the site, I gave Sarah a bunch of traffic, so she owes me, and that's why you get the:
This Week in Great Music: 8/2 - 8/8
So, there's this little festival called Lollapalooza rolling into Grant Park this weekend. Maybe you've heard of it? I'll be there all weekend, Tweeting and taking bad photos bitching about the heat and the crowds, and hoping my phone doesn't run out of battery.
Lollapalooza 2010 Lineup
In case you took an internet hiatus overnight, here's some "news" for you: Lollapalooza's lineup for the 2010 festival has been released in full, including all the letters and &s and *'s, because god forbid they write out Fuck Buttons on their website.